CEO Greetings

Thank you very much for visiting VASFLEX homepage

Surgery with catheters averages 8.7% per annum, which is the most significant of all medical devices. It's growing fast.

VASFLEX wants to take advantage of this market environment to grow into a global company.

Based on the plastic extrusion technology built by the industry over the past 20 years

We have secured multi-Lumen tubing manufacturing technology that is the core of the catheter

And over the last five years we have built the capacity to manufacture the catheter

While carrying out various projects with various medical device companies and hospitals.

Now, we want to take the first step toward becoming a global company based on this foundation.

Doing business with VASFLEX will give you peace of mind.

Thank you.

CEO Kang Chuk Gu

CEO : Kang Chuk-Guㅣ
Factory (Medical) : 103, 104, 206, 304, 305, 97-70 Myeongsan-gil, Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-54-335-4246, / Fax : +82-54-335-4247